11 Helpful First Aid Procedures

First aid is crucial assistance that should be given to any person that is suffering from a serious injury or illness. It aims to promote recovery, preserve life and prevent the condition from becoming worse. It is usually performed by someone with first aid training. Listed below are some helpful first aid content procedures.

1. Anaphylaxis
This is a reaction wherein the airway of the patient can become constricted and in worse cases, they may even go into shock. This is usually caused by allergic reactions from food or insect bites. First aid for anaphylaxis is usually an injection of epinephrine.

2. Bone fractures
It is important to stabilise the limb with a splint. It should be padded and must be kept immobile. You may also put a cold pack on the fracture. Then, elevate the extremity. Anti-inflammatory drugs may also be given.

3. Bleeding
For bleeding, cover the wound with a cloth or gauze. Then, apply direct pressure to stop the flow of blood. Don’t remove the gauze or cloth. Just add more layers if it gets soaked. This will also help clots form and aid in stopping blood flow.

4. Burns
Use cold, tap water on the burned area as soon as possible. Continue to cool it until the pain is relieved. However, do not use ice on the burned area because it can produce tissue ischemia. For burn blisters, loosely cover it with a sterile dressing.

5. Cardiac Arrest
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should be performed. You may also use an automated external defibrillator (AED) once it is available.

6. Frostbite
Remove wet clothing immediately. Dry and cover the victim to prevent hypothermia. You may also use a non-contact thermometer to check the victim’s temperature. The non-contact thermometer will be able to help detect fever. For minor frostbite, you can use skin-to-skin contact, like using a warm hand. For severe frostbite, it should be immersed in warm water for 20 to 30 minutes.

7. Drowning
Remove the victim from the water. Start CPR then activate emergency medical services (EMS).

8. Nosebleeds
Don’t lean back. Instead, lean forward while pinching the nose just below the bridge. You may also apply a cold pack on the bridge of the nose while pinching. Check after five minutes if the bleeding has stopped. If not, continue pinching and check again after 10 minutes.

9. Bee stings
Take out the stinger. Then, you may use a cold pack to reduce the swelling. You can also use an antihistamine to reduce itching. For pain, you may take ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Use an EpiPen to prevent anaphylaxis for people who are allergic to bee stings.

10. Snake bites
Apply a pressure immobilization bandage. It has to have a pressure between 40 to 70 mm Hg in the upper extremity and between 55 to 70 mm Hg in the lower extremity around the entire length of the area where the bite is located.

11. Toxic Eye Injury
Go to an eyewash station and rinse eyes with lots of water. If there’s a specific antidote provided, use that to rinse your eyes at the eyewash station.

These are just some of the helpful first aid content procedures to try in case of emergencies. The important thing is to not panic and administer first aid immediately.


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