This Medical Supplies Store in Singapore Helped Me a Lot with My Work

As the only school nurse in this small campus, I always have my hands full. Which is why this medical supplies store in Singapore that delivers the medial equipment on time is a big blessing for me.

I work as a school nurse in a small grade school campus in Singapore. I can say that our humble campus has slowly been expanding. From only one section per year, we have reached into two sections. I am the only school nurse in the campus, and since children can be very playful, if not unruly, minor accidents cannot be avoided. I always find myself tending wounds, dealing with students faking a fever - the list goes on. Apparently, I am also the one in charge of our medical supplies. I really have my hands full, so when our medical supplies last, I had to go out of my way after work to buy. It can be really exhausting.

This is why when I found out about this pharmacy and medical supplies and equipment store in Singapore that truly helped me with work. There are a lot of things that we had to buy for the clinic of this campus.

This is good for me because buying medical supplies are only a few clicks away! I no longer have to put extra time, effort, and energy in dealing with the clinic supplies. I went online and ordered for the first time. Just my luck, as I was choosing things needed to be bought, a student came in with a wound on his knee, and another with a slight fever. When the boy was properly bandaged, I sent him back to his room. As for the one with the fever, I made him take medicine, and made him lie down for a while.

This further heightens the need of a school nurse to be always here. As I was waiting for the student to be rested, I resume looking for medical supplies the school needs. I bought some of the following:

          Cotton Balls
          Gauze Rolls
          Bottles of Alcohol
          Hand Sanitisers
          Alcohol Wipes
          Surgical Tape
          Arm Sling
          Hot/Cold Pack
          Band-aid box
          Sterile Cotton Applicators
          Adhesive Wound Strips
          Cotton Crepe Bandage
          Triangular Cottons
          Sterile Dressings

This can really be a lot of supplies, but I am also storing for a month or two. All these orders will be delivered to me. I put the necessary information for the orders and rested. I was not really expecting for it to arrive on the same day I ordered it, but it did! Apparently, I had found that they had their own fleet of logistics that enables them to transport the orders quickly. With this, they do not need to deal with the traffic of all other deliveries around Singapore.

I am quite delighted and relieved that I had found GP Medline. They would certainly be my trusted medical supplies store in Singapore! With their services, I need not take trips to the local drugstore and carry loads of medical equipment.


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