
Showing posts from April, 2018

Are You Looking for a Clinic At Bedok North?

Taking care of our family is everyone’s utmost priority. We know that this is important because we all want to always be happy and carefree, right? Imagine, if someone in the family gets sick, then everyone else gets worrisome. Just think about how much of a bummer it would be if no one would really be available to stay at home to take care of the sick. Just imagine, one person needs to stay home while the others go to school or work. So, who is going to make the ill’s meals? Who is going to remind the person to drink medicine? And more than just the worry, getting sick would also cost us not just time and effort but even money. Family First Well, considering what could go worse, we are not saying that we should count everything that we do for our families. Of course not. What we mean is that we know how challenging everyday life is. We need to always work and to spend time outside to finish task. Sometimes, we even happen to unconsciously neglect ourselves because we

Do You Need a Bunion Treatment in Singapore?

If there is anything we would want to do in order for us to feel comfortable that would be to keep ourselves healthy so that we can do a lot of things. But we cannot deny that even though we get to be all healthy, our DNAs could really affect our wellbeing. Have you heard of inherited diseases? Well, it kind of makes us feel bad, yes? But there really is nothing we can do about it but maybe do some tricks for prevention. And if we are going to talk about all the possible illnesses we have, we can talk about a lot of them but let us talk about bunions. Bunions are those painful bulging joints in the feet. We can bet that most of us have a friend that is maybe suffering from this. And get this, the age of people suffering from this differs. There are people who are still too young. What Can We Do? For some, they would want to  find out the best bunion treatment done in Singapore for aesthetic reasons. Just imagine, some of them cannot really wear good shoes because of it a

Foot Problems You Shouldn't Overlook

You might feel pain and discomfort in your feet, ankles, or knees because of different reasons such as injury, wearing wrong shoe type or size, or maybe you were born with a foot condition or problem. Sometimes the pain will just go away and you will feel better after few days but not all problems and conditions in the lower limbs will just simply go away because they need to be treated. Below are some of the common foot problems that you shouldn’t overlook especially if it is affecting your daily life. Foot rot Foot rot is a term similar to athlete’s foot. It is a skin condition which is caused by a fungal infection. The fungi accumulate in the skin surface but it can also affect the toenails. One of the main reasons why you should visit a podiatry clinic when you have foot rot is because it can be transmitted to other people which mean it is contagious. If someone uses your shoes or socks, that person might also be infected with foot rot. To avoid contaminating your things

Different Ways to Relieve Back Pain

Have you been experiencing back pain recently? Does the pain keep coming back even though you have given yourself enough rest for the day? Then it might be something more serious than just an injury. It may be the result of working several hours a day in an office chair that does not properly support your back or spinal cord for years. It is definitely something you cannot undo but still, there are some things that you can do to make it right so you will not have to experience back pain again. Back pain here in Singapore is actually quite a common problem that many orthopedic patients suffer from. It could be from an injury or from sleeping in a bad posture, whatever the cause was, back pain treatment can really do wonders in relieving pain. Physical therapy is what patients are usually recommended for if the back pain is sever that it makes it hard for them to walk. Physiotherapy is another term for it and it involves movements of different parts of the body to promote mobility

What INDIBA Activ Cell Therapy Can Do for You

When you hit your mid-20s, you suddenly start to notice muscle pains randomly in different parts of your body. It could be from your heels, legs, shoulders, or neck, but most likely, you have no idea where it came from. Maybe it is because of the tasks you have done for the day or simply from the nature of your work. Just imagine, if a normal person can experience this, what more for people who are engage in strenuous physical activities or sports? Good thing we can rely on physiotherapy when it comes to such problems. It is more commonly known as physical therapy and what it does it helps us improve body mobility and functionality. It can also be used for rehabilitation that suffered injuries which resulted to their movement being impaired. Now, thanks to further technological research, INDIBA activ cell therapy is now available for all kinds of patients which can potentially prevent most kinds of injuries that may occur in different physical activities. In fact, INDIBA activ the

Stay Fit and Healthy from Head to Toe Every Single Day

Dreaming of a better life and hoping for better days away from the problems, worries and concerns weighing heavily inside their heads, a lot of people are working hard to the bone each and every day in their respective careers because they are sick and tired of scraping the bottom of the barrel for scraps just so they can get by and survive in this dog-eat-dog world that can be merciless and unforgiving. If they play their cards right, stay on the right track towards their goals and dreams in life and avoid the distractions that can lead them astray, they will surely reap the sweet nectar and delectable fruits of their hard work and honest labour because they get what they give and they will surely reap what they have sown with their own, two hands. Soon enough, they will be dressed from head to toe in designer clothes, cruise around the city streets in expensive European sports cars and enjoy their electronic appliances and lavish furniture in the dream house that they have wanted a

A Surgery That Can Change Someone’s Life

We have our own definition of beauty. For some it is the beauty that we see outside which is the physical appearance of a person. Some may say the beauty can be found within, which is the characteristic of a person. There are certain individuals who would prefer a perfect figure of their face or their body. They will undergo certain surgeries to achieve that beauty they want. Beauty is perfection for some. Surgeries have evolved over the years. It does not only involve the reason of beautification but may also involve health issues. Some undergo surgeries not because they do not have a perfect face, but because of some deformities. Aesthetic surgeries are applied to make something look real. We have seen people undergo this process on the television, heard them on the radios and seen it on the internet. We have heard and seen stories of people who, because of an accident have deformities, thus they have to undergo surgeries. For this reason, they have lost confidence, but when the

First Aid Kit, A First Response To Injuries

I grew up in a family who are medical practitioners. They have a good grasp of everything that involves health. Our house is complete with first aid kits. So every time our niece or nephew gets hurt all we have to do is run to the cupboard where the kit is placed. It is good to put the kit in just one place so that in case of emergency you know where to run.  It is good to know also the basics in first aid response, it could save a life. Every household must have a first aid kit placed in one corner. You will never know when an accident would happen. It is better to be prepared rather than panic and not know what to do. But how will you know what are the basic contents of the first aid kit. Most often than not only the basic contents must be present in order not to make the situation worse.  So here are some basic contents in a first aid kit , which is also what I see in our home. A bandage is used in case of a sprain, or fracture. Absorbent compressed dressing, adhesive cloth tap

Treating That Heel Pain

Every day from home to work I walk about seven hundred meters (700 m). My place is just a few blocks from where I work, but the thought of walking helps me have just a few exercises. Walking is one of the easiest ways to exercise, but when walking gets a little too over, it hurts. I can actually take a ride so that it will not cause me pain in my feet, but the traffic is so bad and it will take you over almost an hour to get to the office. That is why I just have to walk, it is less stressful and it even exercises my body. Those who are fund of walking often feel pain on their feet, especially those wearing heels just like me. There are several causes of heel pain, so it is important to know what caused the pain in order to know the appropriate treatment. Treatments for heel pain would vary because of its cause. It may be plantar fasciitis. This is caused by inflammation and irritation of the tight tissue that forms the arch of the foot.   Or it may be Achilles tendonitis; this t